Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Master: Claude-Pierre Jeannerod, Nathalie Revol, Algorithmique numérique et fiabilité des calculs en arithmétique flottante (24h), M2 ISFA (Institut de Science Financière et d'Assurances), Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1.

  • Master: Vincent Lefèvre, Arithmétique des ordinateurs (12h), M2 ISFA (Institut de Science Financière et d'Assurances), Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1.

  • Master: Fabien Laguillaumie, Cryptography, Error Correcting Codes, 150h, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1.

  • Master: Damien Stehlé, Cryptography, 12h, ENS de Lyon.

  • Master: Benoît Libert, Computer science and privacy, 12h, ENS de Lyon; Cryptography, 12h, ENS de Lyon.

  • Professional teaching: Nathalie Revol, Contrôler et améliorer la qualité numérique d'un code de calcul industriel (2h30), Collège de Polytechnique.

  • Master: Bruno Salvy, Calcul Formel (9h), MPRI.

  • Master: Bruno Salvy, Mathématiques expérimentales (44h), École polytechnique.

  • Master: Bruno Salvy, Logique et complexité (32h), École polytechnique.


  • PhD: Serge Torres, Tools for the design of reliable and efficient function evaluation libraries, École normale supérieure de Lyon; defended on September 22, 2016; co-supervised by Nicolas Brisebarre and Jean-Michel Muller.

  • PhD: Vincent Neiger, Bases of relations in one or several variables: fast algorithms and applications, École normale supérieure de Lyon; defended on November 30, 2016; co-supervised by Claude-Pierre Jeannerod and Gilles Villard (together with Éric Schost (U. Waterloo, Canada)).

  • PhD: Silviu-Ioan Filip, Robust tools for weighted Chebyshev approximation and applications to digital filter design, École normale supérieure de Lyon; defended on December 7, 2016; co-supervised by Nicolas Brisebarre and Guillaume Hanrot.

  • PhD in progress: Marie Paindavoine, Méthodes de calculs sur des données chiffrées, since October 2013 (Orange Labs - UCBL), co-supervised by Fabien Laguillaumie (together with Sébastien Canard).

  • PhD in progress : Antoine Plet, Contribution à l'analyse d'algorithmes en arithmétique virgule flottante, since September 2014, co-supervised by Nicolas Louvet and Jean-Michel Muller.

  • PhD in progress : Valentina Popescu, Vers des bibliothèques multi-précision certifiées et performantes, since September 2014, co-supervised by Mioara Joldes (LAAS) and Jean-Michel Muller

  • PhD in progress: Louis Dumont, Algorithmique efficace pour les diagonales, applications en combinatoire, physique et théorie des nombres, since September 2013, co-supervised by Alin Bostan (SpecFun team) and Bruno Salvy.

  • PhD in progress: Stephen Melczer, Effective analytic combinatorics in one and several variables, since September 2014, co-supervised by George Labahn (U. Waterloo, Canada) and Bruno Salvy.

  • PhD in progress: Fabrice Mouhartem, Privacy-preserving protocols from lattices and bilinear maps, since September 2015, supervised by Benoît Libert.

  • PhD in progress: Chen Qiang, Applications of Malleability in Cryptography, since September 2016, co-supervised by Benoît Libert, Adeline Langlois (IRISA) and Pierre-Alain Fouque (IRISA).

  • PhD in progress: Weiqiang Wen, Hard problems on lattices, since September 2015, supervised by Damien Stehlé.

  • PhD in progress: Alice Pellet–Mary, Cryptographic obfuscation, since September 2016, supervised by Damien Stehlé.

  • PhD in progress: Florent Bréhard, Outils pour un calcul certifié. Applications aux systèmes dynamiques et à la théorie du contrôle, since September 2016, co-supervised by Nicolas Brisebarre, Mioara Joldeş (LAAS, Toulouse) and Damien Pous (LIP).


Paola Boito was an external reviewer for the PhD thesis of Bahar Arslan (University of Manchester, UK). She was also in the PhD committee of Louis Dumont (LIX, École polytechnique).

Claude-Pierre Jeannerod was in the PhD committee of Alexandre Temperville (CRIStAL, U. Lille 1).

Fabien Laguillaumie was a reviewer for the Habilitation thesis of Abderrahmane Nitaj (LMNO, U. Caen) and for the PhD thesis of Mario Cornejo-Ramirez (LIENS, UPSL).

Jean-Michel Muller was a reviewer for the PhD thesis of Arjun Suresh (U. Rennes). He was in the Habilitation committee of Claude Michel (U. Nice Sophia Antipolis).

Nathalie Revol was in the PhD committee of Rafife Nheili (U. Perpignan Via Domitia).

Bruno Salvy was a reviewer for the PhD thesis of Thibaut Verron (LIP6, UPMC) and for the HdR of Loïck Lhôte (Greyc, U. Caen). He was also in the PhD committees of Wenjie Fang (LIAFA, U. Paris-Diderot) and Louis Dumont (LIX, École polytechnique).

Damien Stehlé was a reviewer for the PhD thesis of Hansol Ryu (SNU, South Korea). He was in the PhD committee of Thijs Laarhoven (TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands) and in the Habilitation committee of Hoeteck Wee (DI, CNRS).